l-r Barbara Cheifetz, CFO of CAN-AM Recycling Inc., Amanda Dubrovay, Materials Manager of Stratus Plastics Inc., Bill Orawski, CFO of Stratus Plastics Inc., Frank Massimino, General Manager of Stratus Plastics Inc., Lawrence Pazner, President of CAN-AM Recycling Inc. and Sally Lemire, of Stratus Plastics Inc.Lawrence Pazner and Barbara Cheifetz from CAN-AM Recycling Inc., presented Stratus Plastics withan Earth Day Recycling Recognition Award on April 22, 2022. CAN-AM Recycling recognized StratusPlastics for their efforts to better sort, identify and ship their scrap plastics. Can-Am Recyclingpresented the Earth Day Award to the management team at Stratus Plastics and planted a tree on siteat their Kew Drive location to commemorate Earth Day.Every year, Can-Am Recycling recognizes the gains and efforts made by companies that supply themwith scrap plastic. These companies take recycling seriously and use their time and resources toseparate and identify their scrap plastic to maximize the value and recovery.Can-Am Recycling Inc. is an industrial plastic recycling company focusing on recycling scrapplastic from the automotive manufacturing industry.“Recycling today for a better tomorrow!” Categories: News